Điểm đến,Miền Bắc Be amazed by the dreamlike beauty of Suoi Giang Yen Bai

Be amazed by the dreamlike beauty of Suoi Giang Yen Bai


Speaking of Yen Bai, have you ever heard people inviting you to go to Suoi Giang to explore the beauty like a fairyland? If not, let MYTOUR.ASIA today take you to Suoi Giang Yen Bai, one of the places that makes a name for this land in the Northwest!

Yen Bai Giang Stream is located at an altitude of about 1,300 – 1,400 m above sea level, covered by layers of clouds all year round, plus the air is always extremely fresh and cool, making this place a hot spot. The spot is very popular with tourists, choosing it as a place to stop. Besides, this place also has a unique feature that believes that when you hear it, you will want to pack your things and go to Suoi Giang immediately, that is, you can feel all four seasons of the year in just one breath. in… one day in Suoi Giang.

Do not believe it? So let MYTOUR.ASIA tell you about what a day in Suoi Giang is like. Waking up early in the morning, you will be greeted by floating clouds surrounding the villages, at noon is a windy blue sky, in the afternoon are golden rays of sunlight spreading smoothly on the hillsides and in the morning. At night, the weather is chilly, and the quietness of the wild Northwest mountains and forests easily puts you into a good night’s sleep.

Do you think that’s not enough to hold you back, or that there’s nothing interesting about going there other than the cool weather? Don’t worry, get in the car and let MYTOUR.ASIA take you on many rounds of “puzzle solving”! 

Be amazed by the dreamlike beauty of Suoi Giang Yen Bai 2Suoi Giang Yen Bai – a destination like a fairyland with misty clouds covering the villages

When mentioning Yen Bai, it is impossible not to mention Suoi Giang, and when mentioning Suoi Giang, it is impossible not to mention Shan tea. Stop here for a moment to let tell you a fairy tale about this type of tea associated with Suoi Giang. Legend has it that once upon a time, a fairy sowed seeds in Suoi Giang and this divine seed germinated into a lush green tree. When the tree grows, it spreads its leaves and buds as white as snow. At this time, the Mong people living here were suffering from hunger and cold. They used this leaf to eat. After eating, their bodies felt healthier. It was that miracle that they believed that God had helped them, so they decided to establish a village here to live and call this place Suoi Giang. believes that because of the above legend, here, Mong villages are located among vast tea gardens, just like a green silk sheet protecting and embracing these gentle and simple ethnic people. . But also because of the above story, thinks that calling Suoi Giang a fairyland is not too wrong, right?

Be amazed by the dreamlike beauty of Suoi Giang Yen Bai 3Suoi Giang tea garden is vast and green, bringing a gentle and relaxing feeling to visitors

It must be said that the ancient tea trees in Suoi Giang are also very magical, they live at an altitude of 1,400 meters above sea level, the “young” trees are over a hundred years old, the older trees are over 300 years old. Yet young buds still grow green on rough, moldy white tea stems, firmly clinging to the roots on the craggy mountainside, creating a unique ancient tea garden landscape. In addition, those fat tea buds are covered with a translucent white layer, so they are called snow tea. Tea is picked and prepared with the experience and skillful hands of the Mong people. 

Marvel at the dreamlike beauty of Suoi Giang Yen Bai 4The tea buds are big, plump, and the stem has a layer of white fluff, so it is called snow tea. Photo: VnExpress

Shan Tuyet Suoi Giang tea is very unique. Although it lives in a pristine mountain area, the green tea contains all the top flavors of world-class teas in the bowl. When traveling here, there are many activities for you to enjoy this green, clean, and beautiful living space, such as closing your eyes and thinking about a bowl of fragrant tea, or carelessly drinking a cup of tea. Sleep soundly under the canopy of a huge tea tree, or immerse yourself in the lives of the people here through tea picking and tea making activities, and finally enjoy the tea that is a finished product that you have made with your own hands. It is truly an ideal destination for us to “detox” the fatigue and worries from life in the city, isn’t it!

Traveling to Suoi Giang, in addition to enjoying Shan tea, there are also many specialties of the Mong people waiting for you to enjoy such as: men men, Yen Bai kitchen buffalo meat , armpit pig, wild vegetables, cassava wine, corn wine,… and extremely unique dishes, blended with the flavor of ancient sweet soup such as meat rolled in grilled tea leaves, young sweet soup leaves eaten raw with herbs. The cuisine is simple and rustic but has an unforgettable flavor. Imagine sitting comfortably at the wooden dining table, in the cold weather of a quiet night, enjoying hot grilled meat skewers, accompanied by the strong aroma of wild vegetables, the heat of a bowl of wine and wine. Occasionally “coating” your mouth with the sweet taste of men men made from corn, it will definitely make you want to take a once-in-a-lifetime trip with your best friends. 

Marvel at the dreamlike beauty of Suoi Giang Yen Bai 5Suoi Giang Yen Bai cuisine is rich in unforgettable mountain and forest flavors. Photo: @__vuonglinh__

In addition, traveling to Suoi Giang Yen Bai will not make you worry about what gifts to buy for your loved ones, such as Shan Tuyet tea, bamboo shoots, wood ear mushrooms, wild vegetables,… all natural gifts. but also very nutritious and good for health so everyone will love it!

As said, Suoi Giang is located at an altitude of about 1400 m above sea level so this place is cool all year round, the climate can be compared to Da Lat or Sa Pa. However, encourages you to travel to Suoi Giang in the spring, in addition to the extremely brilliant natural scenery and very pleasant cold weather, it is also the time when the H’Mong people organize religious festivals. Shan Tuyet tea ceremony, along with many unique culinary and cultural activities. What’s better than waking up in the morning to enjoy a delicious, rich cup of Shan Tuyet tea and besides, you can also admire the spring sunrise amidst the vast mountains and forests of the Northwest. Furthermore, thinks that a trip to the mountains and nature after a year of hard work will be an extremely worthy reward for yourself! 

Marvel at the dreamlike beauty of Suoi Giang Yen Bai 6Peacefully admire the scenery of the Northwest mountains and forests in the chilly weather

 Suoi Giang is a highland commune of Van Chan district, Yen Bai province, located 12 km north of Van Chan district center, about 80 km from Yen Bai city center and about 200 km from Hanoi. You can travel to Yen Bai by bus or motorbike, and fortunately for us, the road from Hanoi to Yen Bai, although remote, is relatively flat, so travel is quite convenient and convenient. fast. Below is some information about how to travel to Yen Bai that suggests for you:

– By bus: Catch a bus at My Dinh bus station for about 150.00 VND/person.

– Private car: If traveling by self-driving car, follow the following route: From Hanoi -> Thang Long bridge straight along Noi Bai highway (Lao Cai) -> to Km121 + 300 turn to Yen Bai bridge straight to Yen Bai. Travel time is about 3 – 3.5 hours. Or you can go in the direction of Lang Hoa Lac -> Thang Long Avenue -> turn right onto Highway 21 -> go to Son Tay -> Trung Ha Bridge -> Phong Chau Bridge -> Noi Bai Expressway -> Lao Cai – Yen Bai.

-Motorbike: Travel to Suoi Giang by motorbike from Hanoi -> go towards Son Tay -> cross Trung Ha bridge -> go to Tam Nong town (Phu Tho) -> go along the Red River to Van Phu bridge (Yen Bai) ). reminds you to remember to bring all your documents and drive at the right speed.

However, when we arrive in Yen Bai and want to go to Suoi Giang, we need to move to the center of Van Chan district, which is about 13 km from Suoi Giang commune and from now on, the road is quite dangerous and challenging. riders, the roads are quite steep and winding, suitable for those who love adventure travel, climbing passes and wading streams. Although the road to Suoi Giang is quite difficult and strenuous, in return the wild beauty of the landscape on both sides of the road will make you feel this effort is completely worth it!

Marvel at the dreamlike beauty of Suoi Giang Yen Bai 7Travel to Suoi Giang Yen Bai tea hill by car

If you are planning to find a tourist destination amidst the mountains and nature along with experiencing national culture, Suoi Giang Yen Bai will definitely be an extremely ideal destination for you!